January 12, 2025 |

Alef–Pesach 4-2-17

Posted on April 3, 2017

Dear families:
Such a busy and varied day today! And special guests at the end.  We started with tefillah in our classroom, led by Cheryl. 
HEBREW:  Our Hebrew letter today is י“yud.”  Some words beginning with  יare “yad” (pointer), Yerushalayim, yeled, yaldah, and Yisrael.  To review in pairs,, we found letters and formed Hebrew words like shema and some of the students’ names.
STORY: To review elements of Pesach, we read P is for Passover. A is for afikomen, B is for burning bush, or betzah (egg), C is for charoset, etc.  We added others that we thought of.
CRAFT:  Using felt pieces and fabric markers, we decorated a Seder pillow (we recline as free people). We stuffed it with hypoallergenic poly fill.  I sewed around most of it, leaving a long thread to be completed at home, if you wish.  I stapled the pillows shut.
We put the hands on last week’s Seder clock, to keep track of what we are doing.  Thank you, Lois, our wonderful secretary, for laminating them for many years’ use.

During learning games, the children looked at the Uh! Oh! Pesach books and my Find the Afikomen games.  My collection of Pesach books is always available.
MUSIC:  We practiced the Four Questions and other songs:  Eliyahu Ha Navi, Frogs, and my personal favorite, Don’t Sit on the Afikomen.
SPECIAL EVENT:  Near the end of the morning, two Israeli young men visited us—they sang a song about our names. Then they taught us about Israel’s geography—the Negev, the Dead Sea, Galilee, and the Mediterranean Sea.  We did a project on it.  Todah rabah for the wonderful lesson!
I look forward to seeing you on Friday April 7, for the service and Chinese dinner!
Shavua tov—have a wonderful week.
Judy and Cheryl (Esther and Tzipporah)