January 24, 2025 |

Alef–Pesach introduction March 26, 2017

Posted on March 27, 2017

Dear families:
Everyone was here today as we began our study of Pesach!
We started our day in the sanctuary with Cantor Ken.  He led us in the chorus of Leha Dodi, which we will be singing with the gan class at the family Shabbat on Friday, April 7. The service starts at 5:45, followed by a Chinese dinner.  I hope that the class can be there to sing.
With Cantor Ken, we also sang the Four Questions, the Order of the Seder, and Dayenu.
In class, Ariel listed our brainstorming about Pesach.  The students know so much about Pesach rituals.  Then, we looked at the Seder plate and pictures of the foods we enjoy.
STORY:  We read the interactive Passover Is Here!  As a family remembers when Hebrew slaves were freed from Egypt, a young boy participates in the Pesach traditions.  We lifted the flaps to discover why certain foods are eaten and why certain questions are asked.  Using puppets, we also reviewed the plagues.
CRAFT:  Each child worked on a Seder clock, which shows highlights of the Seder in pictures to help the children keep track of the order of the events. Lois Davison, the school secretary, will laminate them during the week.  We will add the hand afterwards.   Move the clock hand as the Seder progresses.  I hope you will use it at your family table.
HEBREW:   Our letter this week was ח“het”–the first letter of Hanukkah and hallah, and hatool, (cat).
As time permits, we also did puzzle papers and played my learning games.  Among the favorites are my Uh Oh! books and my game Find the Afikomen.  Our final activity was working cooperatively on two-piece puzzles about the Seder.
Shavua tov!
Judy and Cheryl (Esther and Tzipporah)