November 2, 2024 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 3-12-17

Posted on March 13, 2017

Chg Purim Gan Class Families!

We had such an exciting morning celebrating Purim together.  There was a spectacular array of costumes in our classroom from favorite movie and TV characters to princesses, fairies and delicious food.

Today we revisited the story of the Tower of Babel.  Students are enjoying retelling the Torah stories each week and each time we review them together students are able to share more details from the week before.  Next week we will illustrate a picture about this story and meet a new family in our Torah stories.

We continued to learn about the letter vav.  We made a great connection to Queen Vashti from the Megillah.  Queen Vashti’s name begins with the letter vav.  Students practiced pairing letter and sounds as a group with Bina before engaging in some great Purim activities.

To learn about Purim, we read together a really cute story about Talia.  Her grandmother tells her the story of Passover while they are making Hamantashen but she thinks that her grandmother called them haman-tushies!
Image result for talia and the haman tushies
One of the things that Jewish people do on Purim is make Mishloach Manot to give to others.  Today each student created a Mischloach Manot to give to their families for the holiday.  Students painted paper plates to look like a hamantashen and then filled the middle with goodies to share with families.  This was a fantastic opportunity to discuss how important it is to give things to others even if you want to keep them for yourself.

Have a wonderful (and not too snowy) week!
