February 17, 2025 |

Grade 3 – Gimel Goings On

Posted on January 31, 2017

Shalom Gimel Families!

Students had a very busy week in Hebrew School with many fun activities.

Morning Meeting and Closing Circle
In morning meeting students greeted each other with,”Boker Tov…”  They also reviewed the schedule, days of the week, weather, calendar and season, all in Hebrew of course!  Our morning meeting games included the ever popular Hebrew counting game and we also added a reading game called Zip Around.  Each student received 2 cards which read, “I have (Hebrew word), who has (Hebrew word)”.  A fun way to practice Hebrew Reading!

At the end of the day we got together as a class for a closing circle where each student had an opportunity to share his/her favorite part of the day, using the words, “Ani Ohev (boys)/ohevet (girls)” and they would pick something from the schedule to complete their sentence. A definite favorite this week was, “Ani ohev/ohevet hagim (holidays)”.  A few students also chose our special activity as their favorite part.

In Hebrew students enjoyed playing a variety of Hebrew reading games in groups of 2 or 3 while I met with groups one at a time to review Ein Keloheinu.  We have now completed our study of Ein Keloheinu and will be beginning the Erev Shabbat Kiddush this week.  New homework calendars for February will also be sent home.  I encourage students to continue to call Google Voice to do their reading homework.

Below please enjoy a picture of one of our Hebrew Reading games.  Ask your son/daughter to explain how to play the game!

During the week students completed their Tu Bishvat index card mobiles and these are hanging up on our classroom bulletin board.  Yesterday we did some Tu Bishvat station rotations including an iPad station, a song station, a poetry station and a write around station.  This is what each station involved:
Song Station:  Write a 4-8 line song about trees to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle.  Students had a blast with this and I can’t wait to have them share their songs during the week.

Poetry Station: This was an acrostic poem about trees.

Write Around Station:  Students looked at 3 pictures glued onto 3 poster boards and wrote down any thoughts they had when they looked at the images.  The pictures they looked at were of a forest, a Tu Bishvat Seder and the 7 species of Tu Bishvat.

iPad Station:  Students listened to a story and discussed some questions with their group.

Special Activity
Thank you to Penni Rochwerger who visited us to do a Hebrew Through Movement lesson.  Students had a lot of fun while learning new words and doing some movement to go along with them!

I am looking forward to another busy week at Hebrew School.


Elana & Marc