February 10, 2025 |

Grade 1/Kitah Alef–My Jewish Body, 1-29-17

Posted on January 30, 2017

Dear alef families:
A busy day for hands and minds! At tefillah, students helped Cantor Ken with motions for some of the morning blessings.  Later we watched the second grade use sign language with part of the v’ahavta.
HEBREW: Today our Hebrew lesson was the silent letter א.  Some words beginning with א are aron kodesh, afikomen, etrog, and echad (one). As usual, students in pairs worked with the Hebrew review packs. We looked for alefs on the posters for our snack blessings
To show how we use our bodies in following Judaism, we brainstormed some Jewish things we can do with our hands—hold a prayer book, hold a Kiddush cup, plant a seed, light candles, give tzedakah, etc.
STORY:  Today we read a book called MY BODY IS SPECIAL–IT’S JEWISH! about all the Jewish things we do.  We can smell the bisomim box, put tefillin on our head and arm, taste the matzah, plant a seed with our hands, etc.   Some holiday actions are–see the Torah decorated in white, taste the apples and honey, hear the shofar, eat the latkes, wear a Purim costume, and smell the fresh baked challah.  We used a magnetic board to review these actions.
CRAFT:  Each student decorated either a Magen David or a Hamsa, or hand.  This has long been a symbol in Judaism.  The word means “five.”  There are many interpretations—the hand of G-d, the Hand of Miriam (sister of Moses), etc.  Many Jews believe that the five fingers of the hamsa remind the wearer to use all five senses to praise G-d.  It can be used with the fingers facing up or down. Here is what they created:

During games and books, students played some games, looked at Uh Oh puzzle books, or worked with my magnetic synagogue pieces.
MUSIC:  We sang the plagues song (which we did not get to last week when we learned more about Moses) and songs about our bodies– Here’s My Yad, and I’ve Got that Shabbat Feeling.
Shavua tov—Have a good week.
Judy and Cheryl (Esther and Tzipporah)