January 12, 2025 |

Grade 6 – This week in Kitah Vav 1/22/17

Posted on January 23, 2017

Dear Kitah Vav Parents,
     Today we began learning the Kedusha prayer, the third prayer in the Amidah.  The Kedusha proclaims G-d’s holiness, and sanctifies the name of G-D with the words:  “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the earth is filled with G-D’s holiness. It is a “Call/Response” prayer in which the prayer leader begins and the congregation responds, using words of the angels in the prophet Isaiah’s “call to prophecy.  
We are focused, also, on the root letters קדש (koof/dalet/shin) as this Hebrew root means holy, and Kedusha means holiness.  In our tefillah service with Gesher today we counted ten times that this root appears in the Kedusha prayer.
      Kitah Vav students received a new calendar which reflects the fact that we will be focused on The Kedusha prayer from now through the month of February.  I’ve divided the prayer into 5 parts, and have assigned Part A for this week.  We will read Part A for accuracy and fluency this Tuesday and Wednesday.
If you have not responded to Synaplex for this coming Shabbat January 28, please go to this site to RSVP.  Thank you. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeI0hrrXWiQYAkoW9sX_jomiI1zTaVuOxUcBLra0jn-OEKf1w/viewform
Also on January 28, Shabbat Parashat Va’era, some of our Kitah Vav students will be chanting from the Torah for the first time. I am looking forward to “kvelling” with you over their accomplishment!
All the best,
Rav Elana