January 23, 2025 |

Grade 3: Gimel Goings On

Posted on December 12, 2016

Shalom Gimel Families,

The Gimel Students have been hard at work and having fun with all of their Hebrew School activities.  It has been an exciting few weeks!

Students have learned most of the Birkot Hashachar and have made great strides in reading and singing.  Many students are utilizing Google Voice and calling on a regular basis to do their reading. Every student is working very hard and you can be very proud of their accomplishments (as I am!)

Hannukah will be here before we know it!  Students have been hard at work learning about the history of Hannukah, the food and the traditions.  After accessing prior knowledge from students about the holiday through listening to a song by the Maccabeats and completing a graphic organizer, students worked in groups to do a readers theatre of the Hannukah story.  Next week they will be introduced to the iPad app, Tellagami to retell the story and review what they have learned.

Special Activities
Last Tuesday Josh Satok from Camp Ramah visited the school where he led Tefillah and had a discussion with the students about the fires that happened in Israel over the last few weeks.  Students also talked about the importance of trees and planting trees in Israel.
The Wednesday group were introduced to the website, Padlet.com.  This is an app where students can collaborate with each other and share ideas while working on the iPads.  Students used this to brainstorm more ideas about celebrating Hannukah.  I look forward to using this technology tool with the students for future units of study.

Birkot Hashachar Quilt
Over the last three Sundays of Hebrew School, students had a blast working on the school wide Birkot Hashachar Quilt.  What a great experience it was to work in groups to study the meaning of one of the Birkot Hashachar,  deciding on a design related to the blessing, sketching, tracing, gluing and finally painting their panel!  Yesterday students had fun choosing their colors, painting their panel and writing their “Artist Statement”.  I can’t wait to see the finished product!

