Grade 1 Update: ALEF PAINTING 12-11-16
Posted on December 12, 2016
Dear alef families:
A wonderful day of art and working together! I shared with the class our award from the gesher class for bringing in the most stuffing for the Thanksgiving food drive!
We began with tefillah with the kindergarten and cantor Ken. He also led us in some Hanukkah songs.
Back in class, we reviewed what we are thankful for, how we make people welcome in our home, and how we make guests feel welcome. We also discussed what Jewish things we like to do, such as observing Shabbat, giving tzedakah, celebrating Hanukkah. The children already know so much about the holiday!
Then, in their “arty clothes,” the students painted three handprint panels green. They will become part of the larger school panels of the birchat hashachar, the morning blessings.
The students also painted their kippot, which were decorated with handprints. Soon, they will be able to wear them to school.
We then discussed several of the morning blessings. In pairs, students illustrated these: for helping the rooster/heart tell the difference between the day and night, for creating me in G-d’s image. For making me Jewish, for taking care of what I need, for separating the land from the water, and for helping me wake up and be ready for the day. They worked so well together to make their drawings. I took them home to copy them in color; next week I will give them out to the children.
We closed with some Hanukkah melodies and our usual Shalom Haverim.
Next week, we will learn more about Hanukkah, Shavua tov.
Judy and Cheryl (Esther and Tzipporah)