September 8, 2024 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 11-13-16

Posted on November 14, 2016

It was a very special morning at Temple Israel as the whole school began an amazing art project. Every student in the school is involved in creating a several panel quilt about the prayers included in Birkot HaShachar, the morning blessings.

As Gan Class students, we have just begun to become familiar with many of the prayers included in BiKot HaShachar so we spent the morning experiencing them in different ways.  We first read a story about the different prayers we say each morning to learn about the prayers and how each helps us to thank God.
Image result for modeh ani book 
Next, we joined Robin in the Sanctuary for interactive Tefillot where we all prayed on the bima together.  We practiced saying the blessings and thinking about what they meant by making personal connections.
In our classroom, parents helped us to create the borders for the quilts.  Each student made a hand print with glue.  In the coming weeks, we will paint over these hand prints to make a beautifully decorated piece of fabric that will be added to the quilt.  We will also be working on a project that we can take home to enjoy.
Another part of our learning today was focused on the Birkot HaShachar prayers in our Siddur. Students practiced finding the pages, looked at and reflected upon the pictures that accompany the prayers, and practiced Modeh Ani. We discussed the meaning of many of the prayers and students were able to make personal connections to thanking God for food and clothes, having healthy bodies, telling the difference between night and day, and opening our eyes.
Finally, each student illustrated and shared something that they are thankful for.  Many students gave their peers compliments on their drawings and ideas.  
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.
Have a wonderful week!