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Grade 1: Kitah Alef Shema introduction November 13, 2016

Posted on November 14, 2016

Dear kitah alef families:
This morning, the class was busy with several activities to prepare for future programs.
STORY AND CRAFT: First we read My Bedtime Sh’ma Coloring Book, Starring Me.  We discussed bedtime routines, such as reading stories, putting on pajamas, etc.  We looked at the letters in shema and how to read them. We close our eyes and say the shema; then we go to sleep.  Then students added their own faces, to personalize the books.  Please look at the back cover for more ideas for bedtime.
In class we discussed some of the morning blessings, discussing how we might show being thankful for having what we need, for creating me in G-d’s image, for making me Jewish, among others.  Our tefllah with the gan class revolved around the birchat hashachar (morning blessings.)  Students told Robin what they are thankful for. 
Back in our room, students applied glue to their hands and then pressed them on fabric, to be part of the border on the school’s morning blessing artwork.  In a few weeks, they will paint the panels.
HEBREW: Our Hebrew letter this week was ה hay.  Some words that begin with ה are Havdalah, har (mountain) and Yom Huledet (birthday). We are beginning to decode words like abba, bat, shamash, among others.
TORAH:  We completed the pamphlet on Moses and Miriam.  We talked about the many people who protected baby Moses—Miriam, his mother, the midwives, Pharaoh’s daughter.  We discussed  people in our lives that protect us, like firefighters.
PLEASE JOIN US NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20.  At 10 a.m. there is a program just for the parents.  At 10:30 join us to learn more about the shema and to create something to use for bedtime. I look forward to seeing you then.  Since we will be using fabric markers, which do not wash out of clothing, please let your child wear clothing that may get stained.  Thank you.

Thank you also for contributing to the gesher class’s Thanksgiving food drive.  Please bring in your donation next week.  I will bring instant mashed potatoes.

Shavua tov—have a good week.  See you next Sunday!

Judy and Cheryl (Esther and Tzipporah)