February 17, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update

Posted on October 31, 2016

This morning started with Whole School Tefilah!  It is amazing to see the Social Hall filled with the energy of more than 100 students praying together on a Sunday Morning.  To get ready for our upcoming Art Pilot Project, Robin and Cantor Ken helped us to explore the morning blessings.  We made rooster sounds, did hand motions and worked with our friends to understand the meaning of some of the blessings.

In our second Torah Story, we met Adam and Eve.  They lived in the Garden of Eden and G-d told them that they could eat anything in the garden except for the fruit from one specific tree.  A snake comes and tricks them into eating the forbidden fruit and as their punishment, they have to leave the Garden of Eden forever.  Students were asked to think about a time when they did something they weren’t supposed to do and how it made them feel if they got caught.  Many students shared that Adam and Eve must have been sad to have to leave the Garden because they were sad in their experience.

Our letter today was bet.  Bet makes the sound b- and begins the word bayit.  Each student was asked to share what color their bayit is.  Then we used our bodies to make the shape of a bayit.  Because we have now learned five of our Hebrew letters, it was time to start our Aleph Bet Centers.  Each year this is a favorite activity for the Gan Class students.  Students stamped the letters of the vocabulary words, illustrated the meaning of the vocabulary words, practiced letter recognition and played Aleph Bet Adventure, a board game much like Candy Land.

Finally, the focus of our Celebrations study was a Jewish Meal.  Students discovered that G-d made all of our food so it is important to thank G-d for our meals.  Together we practiced saying HaMotzi and brainstormed other blessings that we know for when we are eating including the blessing before out snacks. 

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.

See you all next week!
