November 2, 2024 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 10-16-16

Posted on October 16, 2016

Hello Gan Class Families!

After three weeks apart it was so great to get back into our Religious School routines!  Students enjoyed singing songs about Sukkot with Cantor Ken to start the morning and ended the day decorating the Temple Sukkah.

In between our Sukkot activities, we read a different version of the story of Creation and realized that both of the stories were the same even though they were from different books!

After so much time off for the High Holidays and Columbus Day I was so impressed at how well everyone remembered our first two letters, shin and tet.  We spent some time reviewing together and sharing ways to remember the vocabulary words before learning our new letter.  Today’s letter was lamed.  Lamed makes the sound l- and begins the word lulav.  Cantor Ken taught us about the Lulav during Tefillot this morning and we are looking forward to exploring them next week as we continue to learn about Sukkot.

Before heading outside to make decorations for the Temple sukkah, we participated in a mitzvah together.  Students in the Gan Class made pictures of things that made them happy to share with Rabbi and Mrs. Kushner who are currently recovering from a recent car accident. Students drew things that they thought would make the Kushner’s laugh, like funny minions, or things that might make them feel better such as hearts and rainbows.  I know that Rabbi and Mrs. Kushner will appreciate the thoughtfulness of the Gan Class students.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.

See you next week!
