January 24, 2025 |

Grade 6/Kitah Vav Update 10.11.16

Posted on October 10, 2016

Dear Kitah Vav/ ֿכיתה וו Parents,

I hope that your Rosh HaShanah and these days of self-reflection have been meaningful.  I wish all G’mar Hatima Tova ~ may we all be sealed for a good new year.  A few upcoming things to keep in mind:

 1.    Sunday, Oct. 16
a.    The students will help assemble the lulavim for Temple Israel.  You are welcome to join us if you want.
b.    We will also be helping to decorate the TI sukkah.  If you received Rosh HaShanah cards that you can part with, please send them to Temple Israel with your student on Sunday. We will hang them in the sukkah.

 2.    Sunday, Oct. 23, Kitah Vav will walk to a nearby sukkah, and do some activities there.   Once the location is finalized we will email a permission slip.  Please watch for that.
3.    Last week I was able to access and listen to every student that called my dedicated Google Voice number (617-410-8145).  Starting this week, I’ll give each student that calls a note in class with feedback.  Please remind your student to say his/her name clearly in their message.  The goal is fluent and accurate reading.  
 4.    Upcoming in Hebrew:  We will soon begin working on the Morning Blessings.  If your student wants to read these to me, that is most welcome.  Some might already know these blessings from camp. When our students enter the Gesher class next year, they will be joining the morning minyan at TI, and will want to feel comfortable with the morning, Shacharit, service.  Kitah Vav has a prayer/learning service with the Gesher class most Sunday mornings.
 Please do send questions and feedback to me.  I really appreciate it!
Kol tuv, all the best,

Rav Elana
Rabbi Elaine Pollack