January 22, 2025 |

Grade 1/KItah Alef Update – Rosh Hashanah 9-18-16

Posted on September 19, 2016

Dear students and families:  
It was wonderful being with the class today for our first session.  Our warmup activity was drawing something we are thankful for.  Then I took attendance, after which we sang about the weather “Bahutz hayom” – outside today.  We usually go to tefilla (prayers) at 9:10, so it would be helpful if the children are in class by that time.  If you are running late, please bring your child directly to the sanctuary.
Today we began learning about Rosh Hashanah, which ushers in 5777 .  We reviewed pictures of customs and rituals, such as round challah apples and honey, blowing the shofar, tashlich, creation of the world.  We heard a story, The Announcing Tool, about how a boy tried many different instruments until he found just the right one to announce the New Year.  He tried rocks, a gong, a harp, and a trumpet. Students eagerly helped me imitate the sounds of each.  Assistant teacher Cheryl Gelfand demonstrated the various sounds with her shofar.
Students created their own New Year’s cards.  Students also had the chance to solve an apple maze. During break, they can play my learning games or read books. Our class aide Ariel, who is helpful in so many ways, enjoys working with the children on their craft project, Hebrew, and learning games.
We also discussed some guidelines to make the class a safe and happy place.  We should walk, use inside voices, be kind to each other, share materials, etc.  Next week, we will all sign this contract.
Our Hebrew letter for today is the letter  בbet, which is the first letter in “bayit” house, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, bet knesset, and “banana,” the same word in both languages.  I am keeping the Hebrew books in class until the end of the year, so that they will always be available for class.  Each week the students will take home a reinforcement paper to look at during the week with their parents.  Please help your child remember the letters through a mid-week review.
Each child has a job to do to help the class, such as pass out pencils, or Hebrew books, help with the trash, etc.  These jobs will change weekly.
Thank you for providing your child with a small kosher snack and a bottle of water.  After snack, we will wash our hands and clean the tables.
We closed with some music, such as “Here’s My Yad,” the color song, and “Tapuach u’dvash” (apples and honey).
Judy and Cheryl (Esther and Tzipporah)