February 10, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 6-5-16

Posted on June 6, 2016

Hello Gan Class Families!

I cannot believe that the end of the year has come upon us.  It seems not all that long ago that I met you on our apple picking outing together!

Your students have all grown so much and have learned a ton!

Today we finished up our Torah stories by hearing how Moses and the Jewish people received the Torah from God at Mt. Sinai.  We heard about the 10 Commandments and discussed how we as Jewish people are committed to following them as well as learning from the Torah. This is wonderful timing for this story as next week we will celebrate Shavuot together during the last class of the year.

Students enjoyed one final Aleph Bet Center day where they worked on some end of year art projects, played Go Fish with Hebrew letters and made progress on completing their workbook pages.  I met with each student to go over the Hebrew letters individually and was so impressed at how well everyone can pair the sounds with the letters.

Next week we will meet in the classroom at 9:00am and will join parents in the Sanctuary at 10:00am.  Robin has sent a detailed email about the events for the day.  Please respond to her or Lois to let them know that you have received the information and are looking forward to the morning or regrettably won’t be able to join us.

Have a wonderful week!
