February 17, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 5-8-16

Posted on May 9, 2016

Happy Mother’s Day Everyone!

It was so nice to see you all on a sunny day!  Hopefully going forward we will see more sun and less rain.

After a breakfast of Frosted Cheerios, we joined the school for Tefillah with cantor Ken.  We have gotten really good as singing many of the prayers and following along in the siddur.

During Celebrations we learned about being a mensch which means that you do good things that help people.  Students knew that mensch was a Yiddish word and even identified other words in Yiddish that they had heard before. We also discussed the importance Jewish learning through your whole life.  We toured the building to look for evidence of learning and discovered lots of books for adults to borrow, awards for our Youth group, flyers for activities and much more.  

While we had ventured out of the classroom, we made a stop in the chapel to revisit some of the vocabulary words that we have learned.  We found at least five of our vocabulary words there and were able to share what they were and how we use them.  Students used personal experiences to explain ways we show respect for the Torah and remembered all the way back to this fall when the Torah was dressed differently during the High Holidays.

Today’s letters were gimel and resh.  Gimel makes the sound g- and begins the word glidah which means ice cream.  Resh makes the sound r- and begins the word rimonim which are the belled decorations placed on top of the Torah.  There is only ONE more letter and we will learn it next week !  That’s crazy.

To practice our letters we played the game Around the World.  There was a lot of laughing and cheering and of course great practice with letter recognition and sound association.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.

Have a great week!
