January 22, 2025 |


Posted on May 9, 2016

Dear families,
We began, during breakfast, with a discussion of the commandment “honor your father and your mother.”  Then to tefillah, led by Cantor Ken.  The class looked in the siddur for, יי the word which symbolizes “adonai” in our prayers and blessings.
Then our Madricha, Ariel, taught a lesson on respect and caring for others.  The students discussed respecting the elderly, being kind to the deaf and the blind, and everyone who is different.  Then in pairs, they decided where to put photographs of events.  This photograph shows one of the choices.  Nice job, Ariel!
Our Hebrew lesson today is ס “samech,” the first letter in “sefer” (book), Sukkot, siddur, and “sivivon” (the Hebrew word for dreidel). Each week, we also review previous letters., noting look-alike letters like ח ת and ה.
I showed my book of photos from the trip to Israel my husband and I took with a synagogue.  We looked at images of Jerusalem, including the kotel, the giant menorah, and the Israel Museum. We also viewed an archaeological dig, Masada, the Dead Sea, Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Eilat. We concluded with pictures of Israeli innovations in computers, medicine, and cell phones.
Our project today was a packet on Israel including “me at the Western Wall,” a note to leave in the wall, a dot-to-dot on the biblical Zoo, among others.
We also finished talking about Jacob and Esau, stressing “shalom bayit,” peace in the home.”
Shavua tov—have a good week!
Judy and Cheryl (Esther and Tzipporah)