January 24, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 5-1-16

Posted on May 2, 2016

Hello Gan Class Families!

It was so nice to see everyone after a few weeks apart!  I was thrilled to hear the highlights of everyone’s vacation and Passover seders during Morning Meeting.  It sounds like you all had a great few weeks.

It is hard to believe that it is already May and the number of classes that remain in our year are quickly dwindling.  We got right back to our learning by revieiwing our previous Torah stories about Moses.  The kids know a lot about Moses which I hope you experienced during your seders.  We revisited our most recent story which recounted the 10 Plagues and took time to illustrate in our workbooks both the story of the Burning Bush and the 10 Plagues. Students were surprosed to discover that there are only two more stories left to our year.

To reflect upon our personal Passover experiences, we read the book A Sweet Passover. This is personally one of my favorite stories as it reminds me a lot of the Passover experience from when I was younger.  In the story, Miriam is so sick of eating matzah by the 8th day that she says she is never going to eat matzah again….until she discovers matzah brei! Each student drew their favorite way to enjoy matzah.

Today we added two more letters to the letters we already know meaning that there is only ONE new letter left.  The new letters were resh which makes the sound r- and gimel which makes the sounds g-.  Next week we will explore vocabulary words that being with those letters.  To review our letters we had four centers during Aleph Bet Centers.  Today we played Go Fish, illustrated vocabulary words, worked on our visual letter recognition and practice writing with white board markers.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.
