July 27, 2024 |

Gimel Goings On

Posted on April 15, 2016

Shalom Gimel Families,

Gimel students have been very busy preparing for Passover.  They used a variety of activities to review the story of Passover.  Doing a Passover Readers Theatre was definitely a favorite!  Students also talked about different Passover traditions, with the main focus being the items you put on your Seder Plate and Seder table.  Last Sunday everyone had a blast making their very own Seder plates using tissue paper decoupage!  I hope you enjoy using these at your Seders this year!
In Hebrew students have completed Ein Keloheinu and are now reviewing it.  To celebrate the completion students enjoyed a special Oreo cookie snack.  Each student was given a homework calendar for April.  It would be great if they could spend a few minutes a day reviewing the prayer and reading the last 3 lines.  Next month we will start working on the Friday night Erev Shabbat Kiddush.
Wishing everyone a wonderful April break and a Chag Pesach Sameach!