July 26, 2024 |

Grade 6 – Counting the Omer

Posted on April 13, 2016

Its hard to believe its already that time of year!  Passover is coming and its time to start counting the Omer. 

Each year we count the 49 days from the Second Passover Seder until Shavuot.  This passage of time is a great opportunity to be reflective and insightful. This year we will begin counting the Omer Saturday, April 23rd.

To prepare the Vuv class students have created their own personal Omer counters.  Each student was encouraged to think of new things to try, nice things to do for others, experiences, commitments or encouraging ideas.  They were then asked to write one of these on each of 49 Post-its in a stack.  Each day of the Omer students will try to achieve the personal goal on the post it and by the end they will have engaged in 49 activities they may not have in an ordinary stretch of time.  We will spend class time reflecting on these actions.

Some amazing ideas were Give 110%, try a new food, learn to bake mom’s 5 minute cake and give someone a compliment just to name a few.  

If you missed class, no worries!  All you need is a stack of post-its and some great ideas. 

Looking for other ways to Count the Omer?  Take a selfie every day and put them together in a slide show.  Make a picture collage by adding a pictureof something important to you each day.  Keep a journal.  The possibilities are endless.  Be creative!  I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Have a wonderful vacation and great Passover seders!
