January 12, 2025 |

Kitah Vav: Tzitzit and Chocolate

Posted on April 10, 2016

April 10, 2016:
Today in Kitah Vav we had two special activities, and were lucky enough to have a number of you, our parents, join us as well! First, we learned more about tallit and tzitzit, the fringes/strings that we put on the corners, and then our students started tying the tzitzit onto the tallitot that they had made with Nancy the other week. It definitely was not an easy task, but despite some frustration and difficulty, most of us made pretty good progress. Parents, please encourage your kids and remind them that this is hard- even for any of us, me included!- and to not get discouraged if it was more difficult than they’d thought. We’ll be continuing with this on May 1st, after we’re back form Passover break.
We then had the privilege of having Leora Mallach, co-founder and director of Ganei Beantown/ Boston Jewish Gardens talk to us about where and how chocolate is made, including the connections between Passover and the slavery we remember and the conditions of modern-day cocoa harvesting. We had the chance to winnow cocoa beans, separating the bitter but tasty part inside from the shells, and taste-test some fair trade chocolate that Leora had brought in. 
I won’t see the sixth graders again until after Passover, so wanted to take the chance to wish everyone a Chag Sumach. Enjoy the seders, the matzah, the family, and everything else- and I’ll see everyone when it’s time to eat bread again!
(and here’s a little pesach treat i just found with a twist on the 4 questions combined with the tune of one of my favourite songs that I hope you and your kids will enjoy!
wishing you an early Chag Sameach,