Posted on April 4, 2016
Hello Gan Class Families!
Happy April! Thanks for trudging through the snow to get to class this morning. I hope after this week we can put the snow boots away for good.
In today’s Torah story we followed Moses as he ran away from Egypt after killing an Egyptian who was mean to the Jewish slaves. He moved away and god married. He became a shepherd and one day when he was tending to the sheep near Mt. Sinai he saw a bush that was burning but was not being eaten up by fire. God spoke to Moses through this bust and told him to go back to Egypt and help free the Jewish people from slavery. When we next see Moses, he will be asking the Pharaoh to let the Jewish people go. When the Pharaoh denies this request, they Egyptians will endure the 10 plagues.
To experience our Aleph Bet letters we had Aleph Bet centers today. There was a new game center with a Go Fish matching game, whit board writing, a workbook station where students worked on their vocabulary words with me and a worksheet activity with Ann. We had one new letter today and that was samech. Samech makes and s- sound and begins the words sukkah and seder. It is hard to believe but there are only 3 more letters left to learn this year!
Almost all of next weeks class will be devoted to our Purim learning. We will be focusing on a project to count the Omer, the different foods we can and cannot eat during Passover, the order of the seder and much more.
We will have a regular class next week. After that, there are two Sunday’s off for April vacation. We will return to class on May 1st which is the morning after the 2nd seder.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class