February 10, 2025 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update 3-27-16

Posted on March 28, 2016

Hello Gan Class Families!

Today began our study of Passover!  Its hard to believe that its coming up so quick but in less than a month we will be enjoying matzah and listening to the story of Passover around our seder tables.  At Tefillah we began to practice the 4 Questions with Cantor Ken.  Many of the Gan students may be asking the 4 Questions at their own seders so its great that we are going to get so much practice in.

During Tefillah there was so much excitement when students opened their siddurim to see that book plates had been inserted into the covers and decorated by some of the other classes.  Students were even more thrilled that they got to decorate their own bookplates with Robin this morning. Each book will have a personalized bookplate decorated by the students.  The decorations were inspired by the prayer for which the book is named.  Robin helped us think about the colors to use by asking us questions like what color our souls are.  This led to an amazing conversation about how your soul and your body are connected and how they are both impacted by God.  The bookplates look fabulous and I hope that you have a chance to check out some of these illustrations from any of our Education Program students when using the siddurim in the future.

In our Torah story we got to meet Moses.  Hearing Moses’ story is a great way to begin learning about Passover because Moses is so important to the story.  In our first story about Moses, we learned that the new Pharaoh is mean and has ordered all the Jewish baby boys to be put in the Nile River.  Moses is put in the river but he is in a basket so he floats until Pharaoh’s daughter finds him and makes him her son.  She needs help raising him so Moses’ real mother is selected to help out.  Moses grows up as the Prince of Egypt but one day he sees a slave not being treated well and fights and kills the Egyptian that was responsible.  As a result he has to run away.  When next we see Moses, he has run away and will communicate with God.

Though there were no new letters today, I checked in with about half the class working on specific letters that have been tricky for each student.  I plan to work with everyone I didn’t work with individually today during our next class so that everyone gets the opportunity to learn with me before the April vacation.

Next class we will continue our study of Passover and learn a brand new letter.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.

See you next week!
