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Grade 5 Kitah hey. March 28, 2016

Posted on March 28, 2016

It was really great to see so many of you at our community celebration for our dear rabbi !

What a wonderful day it was!  What a wonderful community we are !
This year is moving too quickly by.
We jumped from our study of Purim to beginning our study of Passover within less than a week!
Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day!
We began with a fun and relaxing cereal breakfast……….I think Cocoa Puffs just might be everyone’s favorite!
Then it was time for school wide tefillot, along with some songs in preparation for our next upcoming big holiday.
Back to class for a bit of pesach drama.  
We read the Hebrew “b’chol dor Va-dor kha-yav a-dam lir-ote et atzmo k’iloo hoo yahtzah  mimitzrayim”
  “In every generation, one must look upon oneself as though  he/she personally had gone out from Egypt “
So………since I remembered seeing many of my students way back then, I shared a bit of my own memory of slavery.  Kids began to remember their own experiences as well, and shared (in the first person, of course!)
Of course Several students added a touch of ” creative silliness”.    😀
For the last 90 minutes of the day, we had a stimulating and fun family program.  
Each family discussed and designed their own individual Seder plate.  Each one was unique, reflecting Passover family traditions and history, as well as possible new traditions.  
My personal favorite addition to our Seder plate this year will be an olive, as a symbol of hope for peace in the Middle East.  Israel is always on our minds and in our hearts.
Cindy nelson