Posted on March 21, 2016
Happy Purim Everyone!
It was so cute so see the students excited about their costumes, the carnival, Mishloach Manot and coming to Purim dinner and the Megillah reading later this week!
Our day was focused on Purim. Teffilah was led by Cantor Ken dressed up as an M & M and was filled with happy Purim songs. Excited buzzed about afternoon plans to attend the carnival or receive a Mishloach Manot bag at home.
Today’s activities centered around the book Purim Superhero. Students were excited to hear that all classes were using this book as part of their Purim learning. As a class, we read about Nate who loves aliens but is pressured to be a super hero for Purim by his Hebrew School friends. Torn about what to do, Nate seeks out the help of his sister, daddy and abba to make a costume that is a combination of both. There were fantastic conversations happening about Nate’s family being based on love, the idea that Nate shouldn’t have to do something because everyone else wants him too and even connections to the story of Purim that we enjoyed during our Aleph Bet Centers last week. To finish out our experience, we made Purim masks just like Nate and his friends.
In addition to celebrations, we reviewed our letters, which is almost all of them, through a ball game.
It was lovely to see so many of you happy faces up at the Purim Carnival after class. Special thanks to Sarah, our Madrichim Coordinator and Bina for making sure dismissal went smoothly today.
When we return next week it will already be time to start learning about Passover!
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.