February 10, 2025 |

Grade 5 Kitah hey March 20, 2016

Posted on March 21, 2016

Be happy, it’s Adar!

We have been “experiencing” Purim – today as well as midweek.
Several of my students came in costume today (as did I).   Ben A. came as  a biggggg slice of vegan pepperoni pizza!   Daniel S. was disguised as a giant lion (that roared!).   Bennett was an action character I did not even recognize.  Marc was Iron man!   I was giant “shin” ……… Some people mistakenly thought I was disguised as an m& m……….but…….no!     
This is HEBREW school…….. I was OBVIOUSLY a Hebrew letter!……….. SHIN/SIN…there are no vowels in israel……..so you can only tell by context………..well, of course!  
We began our morning with a noisemaker cereal in honor of Purim!
Snap, crackle, and pop……….rice krispies!  (Boo haman!)
After a short Torah talk we enjoyed morning tefillah with cantor Ken!

Back again in the classroom, we reviewed and chanted the prayers and blessings of our  Shabbat Torah service.  I saw a lot of effort……..in that way, the students “earned” their break time.

Back again to Purim- just where we left off midweek.  All Jews are responsible for one another”.  I must admit that I was disappointed that only one student remembered the Hebrew.  (“Kol yisrael aray-veem zen ba-zen”)  …. Thank you to Ben P!
We talked about our Jewish identities, and how we feel about our Jewishness.  How do other people see us?  Are we recognizeable as Jews?  
Did anyone ever try to hide their Jewishness like Esther had done?
Kids shared their personal stories, as did I…..

Lots of great conversation followed with everyone participating!

From there we segued into our book, “I survived the nazi invasion”, where many Jews did try to hide…….. 

Enjoy Purim!……., it’s a mitzvah!


Cindy Nelson