January 23, 2025 |

Gimel Goings On

Posted on March 21, 2016

Another busy week in the Gimel class!

After a delicious breakfast of rice krispies (snap crackle pop – stamp out Haman’s name!) we joined with the other classes for Tefillot and Purim singing led by Cantor Ken.  Back in our classroom we began our day with morning meeting, our counting game and Hebrew/Holiday stations.  Students had an opportunity to practice reading and singing Ein Keloheinu, and work on their decoding skills in Alef Bet Quest.  Our independent work station was in honor of Purim – students made Mishloach Manot!  They will bring them home on Tuesday and Wednesday.
After snack we read the story, The Purim Superhero, and had a lively discussion about being yourself and showing courage.  Students compared the hero of the story, Nate, to Queen Esther.  Our discussion was followed up with a written personal connection where students wrote about a time they had to show courage.
During the week students used the school iPads to do a webquest where they found information about different Purim traditions such as Hamantashen, Megillat Esther, dressing up, Mishloach Manot and Matanot Le’Evyonim (gifts to the poor), to mention just a few.
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Purim dinner and Megillah reading this week.
Be happy, it’s Adar!