September 8, 2024 |

Grade K/Gan Class Update

Posted on March 13, 2016

Hello Gan Class Families!

When last we saw Joseph, he had just been promoted to a super important job.  Because he was able to interpret the Pharaoh’s dream, he was put in charge of all of the food in Egypt.  For seven years he saved as much food as he could so that when the seven years of famine began, people from all over were coming to Egypt to buy food.  Among the people that came looking to buy food were some of Joseph’s brothers.  He decided to test them.  Joseph asked that they bring Benjamin, Jacob’s new favorite son to Egypt, and when he arrived Joseph accused him of being a thief.  One of the older brothers told Joseph to take him to jail instead of Benjamin which showed Joseph that his brothers had changed.  Joseph revealed himself to his brothers and his whole family was reunited in Egypt.  This is the end of our stories about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. From here we move forward in time several generations to meet a baby names Moses. 

Our new letter today was vav.  Vav makes the sound v- and begins the word vered which means rose.  To practice our letters we had Aleph Bet Centers – a favorite of the Gan Class students.  We practiced spelling out our vocabulary words by stamping them in our workbooks.  With Ann we worked to recognize our newer letters and Bina helped us to learn about the upcoming holiday of Purim by reading us story with great illustrations. We will continue to experience Purim during next weeks’ class.

Next Sunday, March 20th is a regular class day. As it is the class right before Purim, students are welcome to wear a Purim Costume to class.  After dismissal, everyone is invited to attend the annual Purim Carnival which will take place in the Social Hall.  This event is a fundraiser for our Youth group and all proceeds will be donated to Tikun Olam.  Make sure you stop bar for a delicious lunch, games, the moonwalk and much much more!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Have a great week!
