February 10, 2025 |


Posted on March 3, 2016

Tuesday is Torah study day:  Last week, the parashat ha-shavua was Ki Tissa.  Students wondered about the golden calf the not boiling a kid (baby goat) in its mother’s milk. This week we studied Vayakahel.  Students wondered about the Torah prohibition against lighting fire on Shabbat. They also learned about the donation of precious metals and precious fabrics for the mishkan.  If, the Jewish community were to build something important today, what would we donate?
What does it mean to be a role model during tefillah?  On Sunday mornings, it means, that a Gesher class student wears tallit and tefillin, follows along in the siddur and participates, sits with younger students and assists them with finding the right page and following along. 
Meet the Prophets:  Ezekiel—Ask your student about the being with four faces and four wings in Ezekiel’s dream.
Jewish Life Cycle:  Intro to Jewish wedding 
We began our study of the Jewish wedding by stressing that just as no two b’nei mitzvah are the same, no two Jewish weddings are identical.  We watched a three minute video of my daughters wedding noting the
  • ·      Kabbalat Panim (bride’s reception)
  • ·      Groom’s tisch including the reading of the t’naiim, breaking the plate, signing the ketubah
  • ·      parents escorting the groom and bride to the chuppah
  • ·      the groom’s kittel
  • ·      the bride circling the groom
  • ·      two Kiddush cups (for two parts of the wedding service)
  • ·      the Sheva Brachot–seven blessings
  • ·      reading of the ketubah
  • ·      breaking the glass
  • ·      and following the ceremony the seclusion of the newly married couple
  • ·      the seudah(festive meal) and celebration and the benching after the meal.

i-movie trailer films project:  We completed our first i-movie trailer project exploring and presenting a text from the Torah or Pirkei Avot and viewed each other’s video.