February 10, 2025 |

Grade 5 Kitah hay February 29, 2016

Posted on March 1, 2016

Wow……….March tomorrow??!!??

So……….. My boys have been asking for a bagel breakfast!  
Robin told them if they could find a way to connect the next Torah portion to ……um……….bagels……..we could do it!
I checked it out, yayakhel.  The portion is about building the tabernacle, the “mikdash” so God could dwell amongst the people.  Does God need a place?    Or does man need that place?
Fortunately, there it was right in the title!……….vayakhel means they assembled, or gathered!   Perfect!
What do Jews do at a gathering?………we………..EAT!      And………there are always BAGELS!
That became our first (very very very loose connection!).     
Moses asked “b’nai yisrael” to bring their finest linen ,gold, silver, bronze to make the mikdash very beautiful.  
There again (in our LLLloooooooooooosssssssseeeeeee connection to……..ummmmmmmm….
Bagels). Bagels belong on a linen tablecloth!   And aren’t they the color of……….copper?  Or bronze??
The curtains were made with loops………
And of COURSE bagels kind of look like loops!
B’nai yisrael brought soooooooo much to offer with full hearts, they were asked to stop.
(Never the case with bagels…..)
I can’t believe it either.
But if Torah connects my students to bagels. (????!!!!!!!????)………..then I say bring on the bagels!
……….and don’t forget the cream cheese!
Love my kids!