December 5, 2024 |

Grade K – Gan Class Update

Posted on December 14, 2015

Happy Hanukkah Gan Class Families!

It was such a fun day for the Gan Class.  There was so much excitement from students about Hanukkah and getting to celebrate as a class was so nice.  Everyone shared something special that their family does for Hanukkah and I heard all about the various celebrations that have gone on in your homes over the past week.

Our day was not consumed by Hanukkah, though it did play a prominent role, we were also able to review our Torah stories and revisit the story we heard before Thanksgiving.  Each student also had the opportunity to work with me  individually on their Hebrew letters.

Obviously the big excitement of the day was the Hanukkah celebrations in the Social Hall.  Our whole class sat together at the same table, played dreidel, ate latkes and drank apple cider.  It was a really great day!

I hope that you have lovely celebrations on this final night of Hannukah and which you a wonderful week!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.
