July 27, 2024 |

Robin Kahn – My Day At Limmud

Posted on December 7, 2015

This morning the TI faculty and I had the chance to spend the day learning about all things related to Judaisim.  On behalf of the faculty, thank you TI for supporting our professional development and Jewish journeys.  A few highlights of my day:

-Learning with R. Aaron Pankin, president of HUC.  R. Panken’s sessions was on the uses of the word Hanukkah (meaning “dedication”) in the Torah; reading the story of Hanukah from the Book of Maccabees (which is NOT in the Hebrew Bible) and then a later description written by Josephus.  Finally we looked at references to Hanukah in the Mishnah and Talmud.  One of the many colleagues I got to catch up with today was Leslie Grossman.

-Learning about how chocolate is made and fair trade chocolate.  This session ended with a taste test – YUM!  We’ve got some fait trade gelt at TI.  Let me know if you would like to purchase some.  It’s important to support fair trade busines


-A Leading Prayer and Teaching Songs session.  This was something I have wanted to learn about for may years!  I picked up a lot of practical tips which I know I will use when I lead tefila for the kids on Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

-Learning how my own Interfaith book group, Daughters of Abraham, came to fruition
 just after 9/11.

-Learning about creating Jewish art with Mordechai Rosenstein.

What a day of Torah Lishma – learning for the sake of learning!