September 20, 2024 |

Grade 3(Tu/W) and 4 (Tu) – Shabbat Around the World

Posted on November 6, 2015


This week students in the Gimel and Dalet class began their exploration of how Jewish communities in other parts of the world prepare for and celebrate Shabbat.  We began with a brief conversation about countries that have vibrant and small Jewish communities.  A few weeks ago we read the story Starlight and Candles, and this week we read the story, Around the World in One Shabbat. Students were divided into groups in the following way:
Preparing for Shabbat around the world
Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) around the world
Shabbat morning around the world
Shabbat afternoon around the world
Motzei Shabbat around the world (Havdalah)

In their groups students were given a portion of each of the above stories to read together with a graphic organizer to take notes for each country in their portion.  Next week they will complete this activity and share their ideas with the whole group.  Students are having a lot of fun with this!  Ask your son/daughter which country they enjoyed hearing about the most!
Shabbat Shalom