February 10, 2025 |

Grade 5/Kitah Hey Update 10/28

Posted on October 29, 2015

>>> Hi all!
>>> After our class breakfast Sunday morning, we joined with the whole Hebrew school community for a very spirited prayer and song session with cantor ken!  Great fun!……..and learning too!
>>> (a perfect combination!)
>>> Back in our classroom we did some Hebrew prayer reading, and continued to discuss the idea of messiah in Judaism.
>> For break time I shared a package of non-allergenic snicker doodles.  Even my allergy prone students could partake!   (Trader joe’s)
>> Parents, please feel free to send in a kosher snack to share with the class.
> Your children are always looking for food!
> Snicker doodles were  a huge hit!
> We talked about the Torah portion, lech lecha.  How would you feel if you were asked by God to leave your home, and go to a place you do not know?  What would you take?We concluded
> We could see that the Torah remains relevant through all the ages…….
> We concluded the day with a discussion of what/who is a mensch?
> What does it mean?
> We will be continuing our ” mensch” studies throughout the year.
> Looking forward to seeing many if you at our geniza ceremony Sunday!
> Stay warm!
> Cindy