February 17, 2025 |

Gan Class Update 10-25-15

Posted on October 26, 2015

Hello Gan Class Families,

Today was our first time experiencing Aleph Bet centers!  In previous years this has been a favorite activity of students in the Gan Class!  In small groups students enjoy different ways to learn the letters of the Aleph Bet.  Today there were three stations.  Ann assisted children in their identification activities for our two new letters, nun and hay.  Nun makes the sound n- and begins the word nerot(candle) as well as ner tamid(the light that hangs above the Aron Kodesh, where the Torahs are kept).  Hay makes the sound h- an begins the word Havdalah which is when we say goodbye to Shabbat on Saturday evening. The second center gave the students an opportunity to begin to write the letters using white board markers.  At the third centers, students played Aleph Bet Adventure, a game similar to Candy Land.

We also heard our second Torah story of the year.  In this story, G-d makes Adam and Eve.  He tells them that they can live in the Garden of Eden as long as they do not eat from one specific tree.  A snake tricks them and they eat from the tree so G-d tells them they cannot live in the Garden of Eden any more.  

Next week, we will be learning about the ways we observe Shabbat, we will begin illustrating the first two Torah stories in our workbooks and we will take time to understand that G-d is special and we must be respectful to things that say G-d’s name even if we are not using them anymore.

If you have not already sent in your RSVP for the Challah Program taking place on Sunday, November 8th, please make sure you do so soon.As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.
