July 27, 2024 |

TIRS Rebuilds the Old City of Jerusalsm

Posted on October 18, 2015

Imagine 200 students, parents, teachers, and grandparents, 70,000 Lego blocks and a 22 foot square footprint of Jerusalem in the Temple Israel of Natick Social Hall.  Energy, creativity and cooperative spirit filled the space.

In just an hour and a half our highly skilled architects, engineers and builders worked together to create an extraordinary facsimile of the Old City of Jerusalem including the Kotel (in yellow), the eight gates of the Old City, the wall surrounding the city, David’s Tower, Montefiore’s windmill (just outside the city walls) and many buildings in each of the four quarters; Jewish, Moslem, Armenian and Christian.  If we used our imagination and concentrated, we almost felt as if we were there!

We are so grateful to VP of Education, Ellen Koltenuk, and Education Chair, Amy Finstein, for making this extraordinary experience possible.  Thank you to Director of Education and Youth Engagement, Robin Kahn for managing the logistics and to Cantor Ken for providing inspired tefillah and Jerusalem themed songs and to Rabbi Liben for joining us on this very special morning.

Thank you to all those who remained and worked to deconstruct our Lego creations so that others will be able to build their own City of Jerusalem.

Our completed model.  Note the yellow Kotel and the blue and white model of the Second Temple.

After the program we gathered for a group photo.

We began with a footprint of the Old City of Jerusalem