September 8, 2024 |

Posted on October 18, 2015

Kitah alef October 18, 2015—Lego Jerusalem
שלוםKitah Alef students and families:
What a wonderful experience we had today!  During breakfast, I showed some photos of Jerusalem, including the windmill, the Jaffa gate, the kotel, and the walls around Jerusalem.  Eating “Captain Noah” cereal, we talked about parshat Noah, how Noah was a tzedek, a righteous man.  G-d told Noah to build an ark, take in pairs of animals, and then the rain started.  After the flood subsided, G-d put a rainbow in the sky as a brit, a sign that He would never again flood the earth.

Then to davening and to the social hall.  Starting with a map of the old city of Jerusalem and 70,000 Legos, we—students and parents–built the Old City!  This is the finished product.  The kotel (western wall) is in yellow.  The Holy of Holies is in the back in white and blue.  I will send you more photos by email.
Our class, working in groups, built many of the houses and placed them inside the walls.  Here Steven explains the geography of the Old City.  

Thank you to the students and parents for their enthusiasm in helping complete this project today. 
We all learned so much about the buildings and history of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Next week, we will start our unit on Shabbat and continue our Hebrew lessons.

Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm.

Brief reminders:  please give your child some water and a small kosher snack, which we will eat mid-morning, and a backpack or tote bag to take home papers.

Shavua tov!  Have a good week!

Esther and Tzipporah (Judy and Cheryl)