September 8, 2024 |

Kitah Vav’s Sukkah Adventures

Posted on October 4, 2015

Shalom Kitah Vav Parents,

Today was a fun-filled day celebrating Sukkot at Temple Israel.
After starting the day with breakfast as usual, we went down to the TI Sukkah where we joined in the Hallel prayer for the holiday and then had the chance to participate in what is probably one of the strangest Jewish customs that exists, where we hit the aravot (willow branches) against the ground- perhaps the ancient rabbis first iteration of a stress ball?

Then we headed back on upstairs, learned a little bit about the holiday of Sukkot and the concept of hachnasat orchim– welcoming guests, and the guests that come to our sukkahs over the holiday. We then headed out to be guests ourselves at the Klawans’ sukkah. Hannah’s father, Mr. Gilvarg, walked with us as we made our way to Ari’s home. Once there, Mr and Mrs. Klawan welcomed us, explained how they built the sukkah, Ari explained to us about the decorations that they had, and then we had the chance to say the blessing over and shake the lulav and etrog and then eat a tasty snack. The students finished up by reading a book about Sukkot called The Mysterious Guests, and then we all thanked the Klawans and headed back to Temple Israel.

All in all, a great day. I can’t wait to see everyone again in two weeks, after our Columbus Day Weekend break, for some LEGO-building fun!

Chag Sameach,