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Kitah Daled/Grade 4. Sunday, September 20

Posted on September 30, 2015

The kids worked really hard on Sunday morning and I am proud of them!
We started our morning with a conversation about things we can say and do that demonstrate that we are welcoming.
We talked more about HW and had our first HW check.  HW assignments can be made up, I know that sometimes you might forget to sign the calendar, have a really busy night or week.  Really, what I am trying to impress upon the kids is that the more often they practice reading Hebrew, the more accurate readers they will become.  A few minutes every night is much better than cramming it all into one night.
For every signature a student gets, I put on m&m or candy corn into a jar, when the jar is full we will have a small celebration.  I also told the kids that I would give an m&m for each service they attend if you sign the calendar on the day they attend.  This can be a Shabbat service, weekday service or holiday service.  It does not need to be service at Temple Israel, just a service in a communal setting.
We focused mainly on decoding lines 3,4, 5, 6 and chanting likes 1, 2, 3, 4.  Our class moves at a quick pace and each day we spend time reviewing and learning new material.  Soon we will be moving onto a new blessing and I will upload a new calendar and the new blessing.