February 10, 2025 |

See You Sunday!

Posted on September 18, 2015

Shana Tova Gan Class Families!

It was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet many of you at last Sunday’s apple picking event.  I hope that your apples were delicious and you were able to enjoy them with family and friends for the holiday.
It is so exciting that our first class is in only two days.  I thought it might be helpful to just let you know a few quick things about our class so that you can feel more prepared for the experience.
The Gan Class will meet in Room 3 which is located in the Nursery School Wing.  The door to the hallway will be unlocked on Sunday mornings so there is no need to enter a code. We will be serving  breakfast for students in the classroom beginning at 9:00am this Sunday.  Please make every effort to get your child to the classroom by that time so that your student can enjoy a full experience. 
There is a 15 minute snack time built into our day.  Students should bring in their own snacks from home.  Snacks must be Kosher. Your students do not need to bring any additional materials to class this Sunday.
This week we will be learning about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  We will discuss some of ways we observe the holidays. We will also be introduced to two letters of the alef bet that begin vocabulary words related to the High Holidays.
Pick up will take place in our classroom between 11:55am and 12:00.  Students will be waiting inside the classroom until an adult arrives to dismiss them.  
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the Gan Class.
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday!