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Grade 4 HW Overview and September HW Calendar

Posted on September 17, 2015

Kitah Dalet Homework
Just about every night you will have 10 minutes of Hebrew reading homework.  Sometimes your homework may take a bit longer and sometimes it may take a little bit less, but on average you will read Hebrew for 10 minutes every night. 
Since Shabbat is the day of rest on Fridays and Saturdays you will not have homework.
How this calendar works:
1.    Each night you should read the assigned lines to your parents.  (Once in a while, when they are out, a babysitter or older sibling can listen to you read and sign your calendar).
2.    An “n” means the lines are new.  You should spend 5 minutes mastering these lines.  Mastering means you can read the line fluently.  You are not expected to read it at the speed of light, but you are expected to read it accurately.
3.    An “r” means review.  Usually you will review all the lines you have previously mastered for the prayer you are learning. You should spend 5 minutes reviewing those lines.
4.    Once you have completed the assigned reading, have your parents initial the squiggly line on your calendar.
5.    Bring your signed calendar back to school.  It will regularly be checked and recorded.  Each week that you complete all your homework, you will earn one point for your class.  When all the squares are filled in there will be a small siyyum (celebration) for the class.
I know that you get lots of homework from your secular school teachers and that you have lots of other after school activities — sports practice, dance lessons, art classes, play practice, piano lessons, etc….
Nonetheless, please make your very best effort to read every day.  The more often you read the more you will improve. Also, if you save all you Hebrew assignments for one night, it will take you a very long time and you will not be master the prayer.  Remember our goal is accuracy, not speed!
If your homework is taking too much more than 10 minutes, me know and I can make adjustments for you.

As your Hebrew reading teacher my promises to you are to support you, to challenge you and to make sure you feel successful and good about your Hebrew reading and time at Temple Israel.
A few more things:
1.         If your parents don’t read Hebrew, please let me know, I will be able to give them a transliteration of the prayer so they can follow along as you read.
2.         I know that finding time to read Hebrew can be a challenge, but I bet if you think creatively there are lots of times during the day when you can find 10 minutes to read.  Here is a list to start you off. 
Everyone has different schedules; so 4 lines are blank for you to fill in times
that will work for you. 
1.    In the car (If you do it on the way to Hebrew School you can do it with your friends.  Can you make a game out of reading Hebrew in the car and share it with the class?)
2.    While eating breakfast (Anyway, tefilot are more interesting than cereal boxes)
3.         Right before you go to bed.
4.         Waiting for a carpool, doctor or sibling
5.         During TV commercials — please turn off the TV if you do it then.
6.       _____________________________________
7.       _____________________________________
8.       _____________________________________
9.       _____________________________________
10.  _____________________________________