July 27, 2024 |

Re-Cap of Week 1, Blogging, and No Classes on Sunday 9/13

Posted on September 10, 2015

Dear Parents of Students in Kitah Bet to Gesher (Grades 2-7):

It has been a most amazing first week at Temple Israel!  I loved watching your kids and their apple-letes compete in the Apple and Honey Olympics.  We sang with Cantor Ken, danced with Rabbi Liben and our apples, tried to earn 5776 points (because that’s the Jewish year) learned about “Jewish numbers”, reconnected with our friends, met our teachers (aka “Refer-Bees”, played hockey, basketball, bowled, went diving, jumped, practiced greeting each other with the words, “Shana Tov/Happy New Year”, heard the shofar and had a blast!  
Our medics received special training from the Magen David Adom – Israel’s Red Cross – so that they could treat the injured (bruised and broken) apple-letes with lots of TLC and expertise!  Apple juice cures everything!  And at the end we composted our apples and learned a bit about the Jewish values of baal tachit/caring for the environment.  Honey sticks were rewarded to everyone!  Everyone left with a smile.
Special Thanks to Adam Wilen and the Men’s Club and PA for their leadership and support as well as our fantastic faculty.  These three groups came together as a team to officiate at all the events.
Please remember that there are no classes on Sunday morning at TI.  The building is being set-up for Rosh Hashanah.
Lastly, the faculty is blogging!  Our blog is set up and working.  It’s in its infancy – many of us are still learning and getting used to it.  Please check our our blog: http://tioneducation.blogspot.com for updates about what’s happening in your child’s class. I encourage you to subscribe so that when it’s updated you will get a notification.  Once you are on the blog, click on your child’s grade and the most recent posts from your child’s teacher will appear.   (Please note, at the moment this is a public blog.  Specifics about your child can be addressed privately with the teacher.)
I am looking forward to a great year and looking forward to celebrating with you next week.
Shana Tova U’metukah!  