February 10, 2025 |

Introducing the Talented 5776 TI Faculty!

Posted on September 4, 2015

********Drum Roll Please!!!!!**********

And here they are:
The K Team:  Michelle Nelson, a lifetime member of TI returns as our Gan/K Teacher.  Michelle’s smile, warmth, and expertise will ensure your kids have a wonderful year!  Ann Green, a longtime TI member and children’s poet/freelance, writer will again be a part of the team!  Ann’s compassion and sensitivity will ensure your kids needs are always taken care of.
The Kitah Alef/Grade 1 Team: Welcome back to Judy Azer, our lead teacher and Cheryl Gelfand, our assistant teacher.  Judy’s willingness to try everything and experiment with new materials will ensure your kids are always trying new things and taking risks.   Judy is a longtime educator and substitute in the public school system.  Cheryl is another TI member excited to share her passion for teaching and learning with your and your family.
The Kitah Bet/Grade 2: Margie Matross, another longtime member of TI will again be leading our second graders on the Jewish education journey of their lifetime.  Kith Bet students: Margie has more energy than anyone I know so make sure you are well rested when you arrive at TI! She is going to keep you actively learning!  When not at TI Margie can be found in the halls of SSDS in Newton!
The Kitah Gimel/Grade 3: Elana Berelowitz, also a longtime TI member, is super excited to be learning with the 3rd graders this year.  She has many many Hebrew games and activities planned a special tefilah/prayer project waiting for you.  You might even get to travel to Israel with Elana in the Spring; make sure you have your passport ready.  When not at TI Elana works in the public schools as a special needs teacher.
The Kitah Dalet/Grade 4 Team:  This year we are trying something new with our kith dalet class.  The class will be taught by a team of specialists.  Hannah Newman, an artist (guitar, play writing, visual artist) and a lover of Torah stories will explore the Torah and other biblical stories with the 4th graders on Sundays.  On Tuesdays, Eliza Weiss, a grade 4 teacher at MWJDS who loves to celebrate will teach Holidays and Israel.  On Wednesday, Gretchen Brandt, a vetern Jewish educator who also loves to celebrate will teach Holidays and Israel.  Finally, on all three days, I will be teaching Hebrew and Tefila to your kids.  I can’t wait!  I love 4th graders!  On Sundays, Diana Weinstein, a graduate of TI’s education program will be part of the Grade 4 team.  Diana is currently working on her MA in elementary education.  It’s an honor to have an alum working in the education program!
The Kitah Hey/Grade 5 Team: Cindy Nelson returns as our beloved and “fun” grade 5 teacher.   Cindy is a longtime Jewish educator and member of Temple Israel.  She is very excited to work with the 5th grade and guide them “Jewishly” as they enter middle school and become tweens.  Supporting Cindy and your tween is Marc Guttman.  Marc loves music and has talents in the areas of filmmaking.  They are an awesome duo!
The Kitah Vav/Grade 6 Team:  As with our 4th grade, this year we are trying something new with our kith vav class.  They will be taught by a team of  specialists.  Hannah Newman, an artist (guitar player, play writer and visual artist) and a lover of Torah and bible stories will explore stories from the Torah with the 6th graders on Sundays.  On Sundays the class will learn Hebrew and Synagogue Skills with Josh Satok.  Josh is new to the Boston area – coming by way of Canada, Connecticut and most recently North Carolina.  Josh has taught in Jewish day schools, supplementary schools and spent many many summers at Jewish summer camps!  On Tuesdays, Michelle Nelson, our USY Advisor, will guide your teens through the Jewish year and they look at holidays (Jewish and secular) through the eyes of an American Jew.  Jewish identity will be a theme in Michelle’s class.  And finally, Cantor Ken will be teaching trope on Tuesday afternoons.
Gesher/Grade 7: Gretchen Brandt (cheers!!!!) asked to move up with her grade 6 class from last year.  Gretchen is a longtime member of the TI community and over the summer I learned how much the kids loved their philosophical conversations with Gretchen.  On Tuesdays Ann Green, will be part of the grade 7 teams, making sure that everyone’s needs are being me.
Madrichim Coordinator: Sarah Kerstein, is our Madrichim Coordinator.  The Madrichim program is new to TI.  The program will train and place high school students in classrooms with younger students.  Sarah teaches in an inclusive school in Boston and during the summers can be found at URJ’s 6 Points Sci Tech Camp and the Inclusion Coordinator!
The teachers are so excited to meet you next week at Apple and Honey Olympics or Apple Picking and in shul on Rosh HaShanah.  Over the next few days please look for an email/blog post from each teacher.
We’ll see you soon!  Enjoy the long weekend!  Hope the first days of public school have been great!
L’Shalom, Robin